SHH at the AATSP Annual Conference
San Diego, California
July 8-11, 2019
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica chapter sponsors and other interested teachers can meet, celebrate and share ideas with each other at the following sessions at the Annual Conference in San Diego next week.
Sharing SHH Chapter Successes, Monday, July 8, 8:00am, Pacific Salon 4 - Attendees will meet SHH Advisory Board members and hear ideas for successful chapter activities. Sponsors are also invited to share their own successes.
Albricias: Best Practices and Updates for Sponsors, Wednesday, July 10, 8:00am, Terrace 3 - Presented by the Editor of the SHH's student journal
Consejos para solicitar las becas que ofrece la Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, Wednesday, July 10, 11:30am, Pacific Salon 6 - Presented by the SHH Advisory Board members who oversee the review of the Junior Travel Award and Senior Scholarship applications
SHH and SHA Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony, Wednesday, July 10, 3:15pm, Pacific Salon 5 - Hear the updates and policy changes from the SHH Advisory Board and celebrate the 2018-2019 SHH and SHA award winners
Click here for the full conference schedule or download the conference Guidebook app (instructions).