SHH Student Membership Types
The purpose of Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is to recognize high achievement in the study of Spanish or Portuguese and to promote the continuing study of the languages and their respective cultures. Guidelines for regular membership in the SHH support this two-fold purpose. However, the SHH has created an additional membership type to allow students who have other backgrounds in Spanish or Portuguese or are no longer able to take the courses to be a part of the local chapter.
Click through the slideshow or read below to view descriptions of the types of SHH membership.
Visit the Forms & Applications page to register your inductees.
General membership information
Student membership in the SHH does not make the students members of the AATSP.
An AATSP member may sponsor a chapter of the SHH.
The SHH sponsor (and AATSP member) maintains membership records for the school's chapter of the SHH.
The sponsor submits names of new Regular Members and/or Ambassador Members each year and pays the $5 national dues per each new member.
Regular Membership
To be inducted as a Regular Member of SHH, ​students must have completed at least three semesters of Spanish or Portuguese prior to induction with an honor average. Students must also be currently enrolled in Spanish or Portuguese and in the tenth grade or higher at the time of induction. Article III, Section 1 of the SHH Bylaws outlines the basic requirements for membership in the SHH. They are broad so that schools can use them as the minimum requirements and adapt or specify as needed for the individual school's grading scale and language program.
Each school chapter defines an honor average for their school's grading system. The SHH Advisory Board recommends the equivalent of 3.5 or higher. (Schools should determine if weighted grades may be used.)
In the Bylaws, a semester refers to .5 course credits. Therefore, students who have completed the first half of the second year of the language are eligible for induction.
Schools may choose to require more semesters of study prior to induction. (For example, schools may require that students be enrolled in Spanish III after having completed all of Spanish I and II to be inducted.)
Schools may request an exception to induct freshmen who enter high school in level 3 or higher by contacting the SHH Director.
If a student completes the highest levels Spanish or Portuguese courses available at the school prior to senior year, they may maintain full membership benefits.
If a student chooses to stop taking the language, then they become Associate Members with limited benefits (see below).
Ambassador Membership in the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is for students who have proven proficiency in Spanish or Portuguese without meeting the language course requirements outlined in Article III, Section 1 of the SHH Bylaws (see summary above). This membership type was designed for students who are heritage learners or were enrolled in Dual Language Immersion programs prior to high school. The SHH Ambassador Membership or Membresía Embajadora is for students who are unable to meet the traditional requirements of course study and/or enrollment in Spanish or Portuguese classes. Ambassador Members must also demonstrate a continuing interest in promoting the Spanish or Portuguese languages and their cultures. Click here for guidelines for Ambassador Membership. No induction is to take place earlier than the tenth grade. Ambassador Members may receive all the benefits of Regular SHH membership.
Associate Membership
Students ​who are inducted as regular members of the SHH but choose to stop taking Spanish or Portuguese after induction are considered Associate Members. Associate Members may enjoy limited privileges and benefits in the SHH. They may not vote, hold office, or be eligible to receive scholarship or travel awards of the SHH. All inducted members who participate in the Chapter through senior year may receive graduation regalia. Since these students were already inducted as regular members, there is no certificate designating Associate status. The chapter sponsor maintains the differentiation at the local level.
Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership may be granted to a person in the school or community who has demonstrated an interest in the promotion and advancement of the purposes of the SHH. These may be administrators, community members, exchange students, etc. who are involved with or important to the local chapter of the SHH. Sponsors may contact the AATSP office after registering their current inductees to request Honorary Membership certificates.
Visit the Forms and Applications page to register inductees.